OVERVIEW: The Hespeler project is a proposed redevelopment aimed at revitalizing and intensifying the area surrounding the Cambridge Centre Station. The project’s objective is to create greater opportunities for growth, employment, and community development.

A perspective of the Pedestrian Path (Program: Google Sketch-Up, V-Ray & Adobe Photoshop)

Site Plan (Program: AutoCAD, Google Sketch-Up & Adobe Illustrator)
OBJECTIVE & DESIGN: The project focuses on five core objectives:
- Planning for Growth: Intensifying Transit-Oriented Developments around the station to support high-order transit systems.
- Connectivity: Enhancing direct connections to the new LRT system and improving site-wide connectivity.
- Placemaking: Establishing a distinct community identity that attracts people to the site.
- Diversity: Creating a welcoming environment that encourages engagement from a wide variety of users.
- Environmental Sustainability: Preserving the Dumfries Conservation Area and strengthening the green network to promote sustainability across the site.
PROGRAMMATIC DISTRIBUTION: Hespeler will feature a mix of activity hubs designed to appeal to young adults seeking to live, work, and play in the same area. It will also include affordable housing for low-income populations, schools to attract families, and new recreational facilities for seniors.
- Total Commercial Area: 790,326 m²
- Number of Jobs Created: 12,374
PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLY: The site will feature pedestrian-only access to local entertainment, retail spaces, and direct connections to the transitway.
OPTIMIZATION: The environment will be optimized to promote seamless movement between precincts, pedestrianizing streets and creating a convenient experience for users.
AMENITIES AS CITY OASIS: The site will offer a variety of open spaces and recreational activities, serving as an urban oasis for all users.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: The redevelopment will provide affordable, mixed-use housing and townhouses close to the transitway, promoting a livable and healthy community.
Project Type: Academic work (Group-based) at the University of Waterloo
Year Completed: April 2018
Program Used: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Google Sketch-Up, Artlantis, V-Ray, AutoCAD
Overall Grade Achieved: 86% 🙂